Friday, March 1, 2013

My soon to be new addition...


 Last year, I splurged and bought a new dress form for my craft room at TJ Maxx for $60. I just couldn't afford the $500-$1000 price tag of the antique models I'd seen online. The other day, while moving things around, she snapped off of her plastic base and will not stand up anymore. I was especially disappointed because I'e only had her about a year. They really don't make them like they used to!

I started looking around for an antique one on Etsy & Craigslist, but as usual, there were either none in my area or the ones I found were way too expensive for my budget. :( 

Then I got to thinking... my husband is working down in PA; maybe they'll have something down there that I can afford and he can pick up for me. I found one on Craigslist that was fabulous and they were only asking $175! I called the guy and asked what his best price was, and he said he told his wife she needed to pare down her antiques collection and he'd be glad to get rid of it for $150. I asked if she was going to miss her and he said, "I'm not!" When I told my husband, he actually said, "Oh, that's a pretty good deal." Now, if you knew my husband, you'd know that he just doesn't say stuff like that.
I think there are cobwebs in his wallet. :)

To top it all off, after working 60+ hours a week and living in a hotel room with a hotplate for the last 3 weeks, he's willing to drive 2 hours out of his way to pick her up for me. I guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder!
Oh, you know I'm gonna owe him big time!  

I never thought that I would be the proud owner of such a beauty.  I've looked longingly and covetously at the beautiful antique caged dress forms I've seen around the internet for a while now, and yes, I actually get to have one!  She should be here tomorrow!
I can't wait to see her... oh yeah, and my husband too!

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